This particular morning, the Lord instructed me to read Jeremiah 11. After reading it the first time, I was scared, and fell to my face repenting, for the message of this passage I took personally, which really we always should. We should examine ourselves consistently and honestly. His Word must be the standard by which we live our lives.
There is a cry going out in the spirit to “Obey the Voice of the Lord!” Obey defined according to Webster is: to carry out; to fulfill a command, order or instruction; to carry out or comply with. The Webster definition is good, but with God there is always so much more. We are to carry out His command not just in action but also in His love. Acknowledging always that all we do and the only reason we do what we do is because we want to please God.
When do not allow Him to build the character of Christ in our lives through life lessons that come by way of trials, tribulations, disappointments, frustrations, abandonment, broken relationships and so on and so on…..; we will fail to have the courage to obey His voice. ….. Being made in His image, being given everything pertaining to life and godliness is more than a spiritual clique’. It is a reassurance from the Word of God that tells His children, that He did adequately arm us to encounter, endure and overcome life’s hurdles. Therefore, it is imperative in this season that we allow God to do in our lives what is necessary to build the Godly character that is needed for us to go forth to establish His Kingdom here on earth utilizing the precious treasure that He has placed in each and everyone of us.
Character is defined as: The combination of qualities of features that distinguishes one person, group or thing from another; the combined moral or ethical structure of a person or a group. So when we apply that to us, the body of Christ, what characteristics should we reflect? What features should we be exhibiting in public and behind closed doors? Our character should reflect: holiness, mercy, love and compassion, obedience, forgiveness, wholesome talk, Servant hood, a spirit of excellence, integrity and honesty.
Joyce Meyers said: “Many people have gifts that can take them places where their character cannot keep them. Gifts are given but character is developed!” We must allow Him to introduce the Fruit of the Spirit as the fertilizer which is needed to root the love of God and His Word in our hearts so that we can walk in the purpose and destiny that He has for us.
Walking in the Fruit of the Spirit will help to give us the means, the courage, endurance and desire to carry out what He has already set us apart to accomplish for His Kingdom.
“Obey My voice, and do according to all that I command you; so shall you be My people and I will be your God” Jeremiah 11:4-5

"Get out of bed, Jerusalem! Wake up.
Put your face in the sunlight. God's bright glory has risen for you.
The whole earth is wrapped in darkness, all people sunk in deep darkness,
But God rises on you, his sunrise glory breaks over you. Nations will come to your light, kings to your sunburst brightness.
Isaiah 60:1-3 MSG
Obeying When You
Don't Understand
Quiet Meditations
Deaconess Pamela Baldwin
Biblical Principled Living
~ Behavioral Life Skills ~
Blessed, Healed & Delivered
A Clarion Call To Return To: Holiness ~ Sanctification ~ Consecration ~ Righteousness ~Purity